Meet me at the River.

A long weekend retreat by the River. In her presence, we are inspired to surrender to the flow, with nowhere to go but within. As we acknowledge her strength and softness, her stillness and fluidity - she reflects these qualities within us - we remember the essence of our being.

As we attune to the invitations that each season brings, we ignite the memory of living cyclically. We’re inspired to take space from the busyness of life to plant new seeds and give new life to all the ways in which we show up in this world. We gather to simply be.

This intimate gathering is an ode to these times of transition and a chance to restore, reawaken and bring forth the visions we have through silence, movement, creativity and intentional ritual practices to assist us in the path moving forward.

Inspired by the Elements

  • Ground

    We first find our centre, the space within that carries infinite wisdom and potential. The essence of who we are.

    How we do that:

    Indigenous Smoke Ceremony, Tea Ceremony, Meditation, Yin Yoga, Mindful Walks, Attuning to our senses & Nourishing whole-foods.

  • Ignite

    We attune to our inner fire, the creative spark that resides within us all. The part of us that is waiting to be expressed.

    How we do that:

    Fire Ceremony, Intentional movement, Yoga flow, Creative practices, Sauna sweat release

  • Clarify

    We tune into our inner knowing and our life-giving breath to guide us in planting seeds of intention for the next phase of our life.

    How we do that:

    Noble Silence, Breath practices, Reflection circle, journalling and visualisation practices.

  • Flow

    Inspired by the continuous flow of the river, we continue to water our seeds and witness the rippling effects of our actions.

    How we do that:

    River Initiation & Opening our voice in our closing sharing circle.

This is for you if:

  • You are looking for a seasonal cleanse of the body, mind and spirit.

  • You’re in a time of transition in your life and would benefit from space to centre and find clarity.

  • You spend most of your time caring for others - family, communities or initiatives - and are needing a space to be cared for and nourished too.

  • You need a break from the busyness of life to tend to your own needs and support your personal practice so you can show up better for the people and projects in your life.

  • You would like a reset to be clear on the path moving forward.

What you’ll receive

  • 2 nights, 3 days stay at Berry Hill, Hawkesbury

  • An intimate container shared with 12 humans

  • Traditional Indigenous Smoke Ceremony

  • Purposeful silence to cleanse and clarify

  • Plant-based whole-food nourishment to fortify

  • Daily Rituals, Ceremonies & Practices:

    • Tea Ceremony

    • Meditation & Breath

    • Yin, Flow & Restorative Yoga

    • Intuitive Movement

    • Elemental Ceremonial Circles - Reflection, Writing & Visioning, Igniting with the fire and Initiating with the River.

  • Free time to be with yourself and the surroundings: Outdoor barrel sauna, hot tub, River swims, kayaking, mediative nature walks, relaxing in the River-side hammocks

  • Daily Discourses on intentional living

  • Take home guide to integrate into your daily life

  • Early bird rate closes 31st March (receive $200 off the investment)

Why retreat?

We are in a time of great transition - both personally and collectively. In a world that asks us to continually fill our calendars, our homes, our minds, our hearts - Taking space is revolutionary. Slowing down is revolutionary. Resting is revolutionary. When we do this, we come back to centre, we peel away what is no longer needed, we ignite the clarity that we are seeking for the next steps of our life, we come back to care for the world with a renewed lens of inspiration, possibility and potentiality.

Softly Land in Darug Country

Renewal in Nature.

Nestled on the banks of the Hawkesbury River lies Berry Hill, a 75-acre oasis just ninety minutes from Sydney. Boasting two kilometres of private river frontage and flanked by an impressive sandstone escarpment, Berry Hill provides undisturbed wilderness in all directions. Allow the breathtaking natural surrounds to nourish mind and body while decompressing in the boutique accommodation.

Time and space just for you

These lands have everything you need to restore. In addition to the carefully curated experience, there are:

  • Miles of peaceful walks and places to sit and contemplate

  • Outdoor barrel sauna to sweat out all that no longer serves you

  • Refreshing River swims at the private beach

  • Hot tub to soak

  • Kayaking along the River

  • Laying in the hammocks along the Riverbank with a journal or book

  • Sitting by the warm fire

Stay Options

Option 1: Homestead (King)

Single: $2,699, Twin-Share: $1,699 pp

The original homestead, lovingly restored with respect to its heritage. A mix of antique, rustic and modern influences create a sense of understated luxury. King sized bed, walk in robe and ensuite with private bath overlooking the lands.

Option 2: Homestead (Queen)

Single: $2,199 Twin-Share: $1,499 pp

The original homestead, lovingly restored with respect to its heritage. A mix of antique, rustic and modern influences create a sense of understated luxury. Queen-sized bed and ensuite.

Option 3: Homestead (4 Single Beds)

Shared Room: $1,099 pp

The original homestead, lovingly restored with respect to its heritage. A mix of antique, rustic and modern influences create a sense of understated luxury. Four single beds to be shared by friends or friends to be.

Option 4: Shed Suites (King or Twin-share)

Single: $2,199 Twin-share: $1,499 pp

A classic Australian tractor shed, lovingly converted into three contemporary suites. Clean, modern interiors play off a charming rustic exterior, with each room featuring wall-to-wall bifold doors and expansive river views. The shed suites are a unique, all-encompassing experience hard to find elsewhere. There are three available, each with a King Bed Or 2 x Twin Beds, Ensuite, Private Balcony.

Meet the Guides

Gemma Davis

I have been dedicated to working with clients on the path of transformation for over two decades, using a range of modalities I hold qualifications in including naturopathy, nutrition, yoga, pranayama, meditation and therapy. I view health with a wholistic lens and have been blessed to witness the interconnection of body, mind and spirit while being part of facilitating thousands of client’s healing journeys. Whether it be moving bodies on yoga mats, dropping into stillness on meditation cushions or delving into the fascinating workings of our human psyche, all my work is about guiding us to know our selves more intimately so we can live healthy, abundant lives aligned to our true nature.

While my wonderfully full life includes fulfilling work in my clinic, yoga studio and hosting workshops, raising two teenage children I love and connecting with friends, it is also sprinkled with hard human issues we often face: business pressures, relationship tensions, loved ones struggling with serious illnesses. Just being human in today’s world, I recognise professionally and personally the necessity to have regular remedial resets to rejuvenate my nervous system. I do this in small doses daily in my personal rituals, monthly by turning off my phone and escaping to nature for the day and annually on retreats to dive deeper and rest more fully. By pressing pause I gain fresh clarity, and when I come back to my regular programming it is with renewed appreciation and vitality which I benefit from, but so does everyone else I touch. This offering is born out of wanting to share these gifts with you; three days that are tonic for your body and soul (& your loved ones when you return refreshed!)

Brooke Brash

The tender task of putting into words who you are and how you show up in the world… To begin I’m a Mama to my sweet son River, he has and will always be a constant inspiration and muse in my life. I am of Australian, Scottish, Egyptian and Syrian descent. I’m a ceremonialist, I create spaces for self and community connection, I love to write and I’m someone that is in devotion to creating beauty. I am a Co-founder of Imaginal - an online community that expands awareness of self and the natural world. My journey into this space began in an unlikely place - 14+ years working in the finance industry and in 2017 I felt the effects of living a life where I felt disconnected, under pressure and not living in my truth.

I was in search for deeper meaning and began tapping into healing practices, over the last 10 years, among many I practiced Vipassana meditation and completed my Yoga Teacher Training. 6 years ago, I connected with the medicine of Tea on a deep level and I remain a student of the leaf until this day. I’ve immersed in the world of experiential neuroscience and the interplay of Internal Family Systems with my teacher Michelle Baty, which has completely transformed the lens in which I view myself and the world. I also studied with Isis Indriya in a year long apprenticeship consisting of mystical arts, oracular sacred sciences, hermetic Qabalah, an intro to divination, astrology and tarot, ritual leadership, Egyptian Cosmology, technology of prayer & offering, earth-based wisdom and elemental theory.

I cultivated an overwhelming amount of self-connection and compassion, and my mission became clear - to create spaces that foster connection to self and the collective. This led me to curating the wellness experience at Solar Springs Health Retreat, co-creating the initiative - The Art of Noticing, and to this day tending to Imaginal that I co-founded with Isis Indriya and Nat Kelley. Now I’m honoured to share the fruits of my experience in intimate gatherings.

“To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.”

— Lao Tzu